• Lifestyle

    Why am I so tired?

    The saga of my never-ending naps will hopefully soon be over! For over 2 years now I’ve been having no choice but to take a nap during the day at least 4 days a week. And I don’t mean just a 20-minute cat nap, they usually end up being 1 – 3 hours long. And I go into a deep sleep, deeper than when I sleep in my bed at night. I’ve mentioned this to my primary doctor off and on since they started with nothing being done about it. I thought maybe either my Vitamin D or B12 levels were low and causing the issue, but I had my…

  • Lifestyle

    What if?

    Stuff got me thinking about my weight and how I got to be the size that I am now so I found a BMI calculator online to see just how heavy I really was (or wasn’t) when I was a teen. Turns out I wasn’t as fat as I was told and thought. I weighed 135 pounds in the 6th/7th grade and thought I was very overweight. I was told I was fat and to stop eating so much, but at the same time, that same person said I had to finish EVERYTHING on my plate each night at dinner. So the BMI calculator said that at age 13 and…

  • Lifestyle

    Last Wednesday

    So it’s pretty obvious I won’t be blogging every day this month even though I signed up for a blogging challenge. Not a big deal and not actually required for this challenge. I just need to get back in the habit of blogging again. Wednesday was a busy day for me. I had an appointment at 2. That’s it, that was all I really had to do. I have not mentioned it since 2015, but I have wounds on both of my legs. I have a home health nurse that comes out at least once a week to bandage my legs and I am currently going to a wound clinic…

  • Lifestyle

    Happy New Year

    It’s a new year. And it’s 8 minutes until the 2nd. I decided on the 30th to sign up for a January blogging challenge. Me, who is becoming more of a procrastinator with every passing day, who would have thought I’d wait until the last minute to sign up and then wait until now 6 minutes before the 2nd of the month to write up a post for the 1st. If looking back through my posts I’m correct, my last actual post, meaning not just a share of an Instagram post, was on March 9, 2016. I’m not even sure what happened in 2016 that I wasn’t into posting, but…